Wednesday, July 6, 2011


sorry we've been a little MIA....we've been busy wedding planning, camping, eating, moving my sister, visiting baby sidney...and lots of working! the only proof we have are a couple shots from my iphone {all of food of course!} now if we want to start properly documenting our life together we are going to need a picture taking device better than our iphones!

in our new effort to explore the 'east bay' brad arranged for a camping trip to mount diablo - it was awesome!

not to mention when you camp with brad...this is what your meals look like!
{tomato, avocado & swiss, vegi burgers - that's right!}last but not least I've been on a chips and guacamole binge for about 2 months - i can't get enough. so far rubio's wins for best presentation!

1 comment:

  1. OH, how wonderful to have a guacamole taste-off at the wedding reception. You going down the right row with your food choices!

    Aunt Pat and Uncle John
